2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 6.14 神活泼的道


The Word Of God Is Alive




希伯来书 4:11-13

Hebrews 4:11-13




—来 4:12-13

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to…the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight…

—Hebrews 4:12-13



希伯来书勉励我们“竭力进入神的安息”,然后我们很快了解到为什么要留意这个 警告——“神的道是活的,是有效的”。这位全能全知的神完全知道我们,在祂面前“没有一样不是显然的”。

有时候我们会想要遮盖和隐藏我们的罪,但没有一样在神面前是隐藏的。神的道向我们启示那在我们里面的,我们以为可以隐藏的事。神的道揭示了有关我们的真理。 我们蒙召竭力进入神的安息,我们需要继续跟随主,而不要心里刚硬。神藉着祂的话引导我们,藉着祂的灵,祂使我们信服祂的真理,并引导我们按着爱的原则来生活,去向别人分享祂的良善和福音。

A surgeon uses a scalpel to begin a process of opening a patient up. The surgeon does this in order to see or understand more about a problem inside the patient. 

Hebrews describes God’s Word as “sharper than any double-edged sword.” In our world today, this picture of a sword may be difficult to grasp. The idea of a scalpel may be a little easier to understand. A scalpel can open us up and reveal what’s going on inside us. 

As Hebrews urges us to “make every effort to enter [God’s] rest,” we soon learn why we should pay attention to that warning—“for the word of God is alive and active.” The all-powerful, all-knowing God knows us through and through; nothing “is hidden from God’s sight.” 

Sometimes we try to hide and cover up the sin in our life. But nothing is hidden from God. And God’s Word reveals things in us and to us that we might think could be hidden. It shows us the truth about us.  We are called to strive to enter into God’s rest; we need to continue following the Lord and not harden our hearts to him. God guides us through his Word. By the power of his Spirit, God convicts us of the truth through his Word and leads us to live by the way of love, sharing his goodness and his good news with others.

祷告 · Prayer


