2025年03月11日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 6.11 超越摩西


Greater Than Moses




希伯来书 3:1-6

Hebrews 3:1-6




—来 3:6

But Christ is faithful as the Son over God’s house. And we are his house, if indeed we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope in which we glory.

—Hebrews 3:6


希伯来书已经显明耶稣比天使更大,现在他要说明耶稣比摩西更大,这并不容易。 作者用建造房屋的人和房屋的管理者来做对比。房屋的管理者很重要,但建造者更加尊贵。没有建造者,就无从去管理了。

摩西是管理者,耶稣——神自己——是那建造者。摩西照管神的百姓,但耶稣是建造神百姓的那一位。摩西带领百姓脱离法老的奴役进入自由,耶稣使他们脱离罪的奴役。摩西指向道路,耶稣给神的百姓提供了救恩的道路。耶稣说:“我就是道路”。(参约 14:6)


Moses was one of the most important people in Israelite history. A follower of the God of Israel would never want to diminish Moses’ faithful service. The writer of Hebrews does not want to downplay the importance of Moses. But because Jesus, the Son of God, is far greater, the writer aims to exalt who Jesus is. 

Hebrews has shown that Jesus is greater than the angels. Now it also shows that Jesus is greater than Moses, and that is not an easy task. 

The writer uses the analogy of a builder in comparison to a caretaker. While being the caretaker of a building can be very important, the builder of the building has greater honor. Without the builder, there would be no building to take care of. 

Moses was a caretaker. Jesus—God himself—is the builder. While Moses served an important role in caring for God’s people, Jesus is the one who builds them into his people. Moses led God’s people out of slavery as God provided the way to freedom. Jesus frees his people from the slavery of sin. Moses pointed the way. Jesus provides the way to salvation for all of God’s people. In fact, Jesus says, “I am the way…” (John 14:6). 

So let’s focus our thoughts on Jesus—not on other servants or messengers, but on Jesus, the builder of God’s house, to which we belong.

祷告 · Prayer


