每日灵修 | 6.7 坐在神的右边
Sitting At The Right Hand Of God

希伯来书 1:1-4
Hebrews 1:1-4

—来 1:3

…He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.
—Hebrews 1:3
在历史的开端,当神完成祂所有的创造之工后,祂做了什么呢?祂休息了。(参创 2:2)这是否意味着神什么都不做?不,这是说,神成就了祂一切所定的,现在祂统管一切。
在这里,我们看到耶稣也是同样的画面。我们已经从希伯来书开头这几节经文中了解了许多有关耶稣的事。“祂洗净了人的罪,就坐在高天至大者的右边。” 耶稣已经完成了祂要做的一切,现在祂坐在父神的右边了。
耶稣成了人,成了我们中的一员,是为了一个目的:洗净我们的罪。而当祂完成这一切,天父就让祂回到属乎祂的天上的宝座。在那里,祂与父一同作王掌权,从现在直到祂再来。(参启 4-5; 21:1-7)

At the beginning of history, when God had finished all of his creating work, what did he do? He rested (Genesis 2:2). Does this mean God sat back and did nothing? No, it means that God had accomplished all he had set out to do, and that he now reigns over it all.
We get the same picture here of Jesus. We have learned a lot about Jesus in these few verses at the beginning of Hebrews. “After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.” Jesus had accomplished everything he had set out to do, and now he sits at God the Father’s right hand.
This does not mean, of course, that Jesus is sitting around doing nothing. To be seated at God’s right hand is to reign, actively ruling over all the work and development of God’s eternal, universal kingdom.
Jesus became human, one of us, for a purpose: to provide purification for our sins. And when he accomplished that, the Father restored him to his rightful place on the throne in heaven. From there he reigns and rules with the Father now and till he comes again (Revelation 4-5; 21:1-7).
What does this mean for us? Jesus accomplished purification and salvation for us; we do not have to earn our salvation. And now Jesus sits and reigns at the Father’s right hand, holding all things together.
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