2024年12月26日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
  • 一个异象
  • 两个体系
  • 三个注重
  • 四个导向

每日灵修 | 8.25 讲个好故事


Telling a better story



使徒行传 14:24-28

Acts 14:24-28



— 徒 14:27

…They reported all that God had done through them and how he had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles.

— Acts 14:27



在我们与神的关系中,当我们知道自己属于一个更美好的故事,便会生出一种深深的敬畏感,我们甚至可以说,继续讲述神工作的故事将有助于将使命继续传承下去。耶稣差遣祂的门徒两个两个地出去传扬祂的福音之后,又把他们聚集在一起,让他们分享所发生的故事。(参路 10:1-24)故事有种力量,能使我们的信仰更真实生动,故事能促使我们睁大眼睛去观看神在哪里工作。


I once heard a speaker say that if your teenager is disconnected or uninterested in being part of the family, give them a better story to be a part of. If you have teenagers, that may be worth thinking about.

In this section we see Paul and Barnabas sharing stories of transformation. After returning to Antioch, they gathered the community of believers and “reported all that God had done through them.” In other words, they shared with passion and excitement the things that the Spirit of God was doing.

Part of having a deep sense of awe in our life with God is knowing that we are part of a better story. We might even say that continuing to tell the ­stories of God’s work will help to keep the mission going. After Jesus had sent his disciples out in pairs to spread the good news about him, he brought them together again and had them share stories of what had happened (Luke 10:1-24). Stories have the power to make our faith real, and they prompt us to live with our eyes open to see where God is working.

As we grow in faith, we begin to understand that we are part of a greater story that needs to be shared with others. And when we are down and discouraged, stories can help us regain our joy.

祷告 · Prayer


