2024年12月27日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 7.20 笑得合理


The Right Kind of Laughter




创世记 17:17,18:1-15

Genesis 17:17,18:1-15


亚伯拉罕……喜笑,心里说:“一百岁的人还能得孩子吗?撒拉已经九十岁了,还能生养吗?”…… 撒拉心里暗笑 …… 

— 创 17:17,18:12 

Abraham…laughed and said to himself, "Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah bear a child at the age of ninety?"…Sarah laughed…

— Genesis 17:17,18:12



在两个不同的场合,神反复向年纪老迈的撒拉和亚伯拉罕宣告他们将会生一个孩子之后,我们听到他们对此笑起来。在《创世记》十七章,我们看到亚伯拉罕喜笑;在后面的那一章,我们看到撒拉也在暗笑。这是一种好奇和惊讶,并且夹杂着一点点不相信的笑声。他们并不是在嘲笑神,他们乃是在嘲笑一个似乎不合情理的计划。尽管神对他们向来都是信实的,但他们仍不大相信神真的会做不合情理的事。然而,一年之后,神应许赐给他们的孩子终于出生了,他们给他起名叫以撒,意思是“喜笑”。(参创 21:1-7)他们怀疑的笑声变为庆祝和赞美的欢笑。


Not all laughter is good medicine. There is a kind of laughter that mocks and wounds. It's the laughter of disdain and derision. Being laughed at is no fun.

However, laughing alongside good friends can bring healing. This is a kind of joyful laughter that accompanies celebrations: the laughter of wonder, amusement, and amazement.

On two different occasions, we read of laughter breaking out after God's announcement that a child would be born to aged Sarah and Abraham. In Genesis 17, we read that Abraham laughs, and in the next chapter Sarah laughs too. This was a laughter of astonishment and amazement mingled with a hint of disbelief. They weren't necessarily laughing at God, but more at a plan that seemed so implausible. God had been faithful to them, but they weren't quite sure they believed God would do the impossible. But then the child of promise was eventually born the next year, and they named him Isaac, meaning "laughter" (Genesis 21:1-7). Their laughter of doubt was transformed into a laughter of celebration and praise.

Where do you see God at work in astonishing ways today? Consider how this can bring a sense of joy and celebration to people around you.

祷告 · Prayer


