2024年12月29日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 4.6 痛之深,爱之切


Anguish And Love




路加福音 22:39-46

Luke 22:39-46



— 路 22:44 

Being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. 

— Luke 22:44

耶稣祷告时极其伤痛,祂请求天父挪去祂即将面临的、为我们所承受的苦。耶稣祷告极其恳切,以至于祂的汗水像大血点一样滴在地上。当耶稣向天哀哭求告时,祂的门徒们都睡着了。然而,祂对天父说:“不要成就我的意思,只要成就祢的意思。”(参路 22:42)



耶稣走上十字架,不在于犹大因贪婪而出卖了祂,(参路 22:1-6)也不在于宗教领袖因嫉妒而把祂交出去,甚至不在于罗马总督彼拉多因胆怯而判祂死刑。(参路 23:1-25;约 11:45-53;19:1-16)耶稣走上十字架乃是出于天父的爱!

Praying in anguish, Jesus asked his Father to take away the suffering that he would soon be facing on the cross for our sake. Jesus prayed so earnestly that his sweat fell like drops of blood to the ground. And as he raised his tearful cry to heaven, Jesus' disciples fell asleep. Yet he said to the Father, "Not my will, but yours be done."

On that dreadful night, the religious leaders were plotting against Jesus as he prayed in Gethsemane. Led by Judas Iscariot, the temple soldiers marched into the garden to arrest Jesus forcefully. But Jesus, now ready to lay down his life for us, proceeded willingly.

Jesus knew that on the cross he would take our place, carry the weight of all our sins, and take on the curse that we all deserve so that he could rescue us from sin and death.

Jesus went to the cross not because Judas betrayed him out of greed (Luke 22:1-6), nor because the religious rulers handed him over out of envy, nor even because the Roman governor Pilate sentenced him out of cowardice (Luke 23:1-25; John 11:45-53; 19:1-16). Jesus went to the cross out of love!

祷告 · Prayer


