每日灵修 | 12.4 无法说话的道
The Muted Word
约翰福音 1:1-4、14
John 1:1-4、14
— 创 1:3
And God said, "Let there be light, " and there was light.
— Genesis 1:3
婴孩耶稣像其他新生儿一样,还不会说话。祂首先需要学习听——特别是听祂的母亲,还有祂的父亲说话。慢慢地,祂会发现语言是有意义的。最终,祂会自己开口说话。起初祂只知道几个词:“Immah”(母亲)和 “Abba”(父亲)。然后,大量的词汇就会脱口而出,一开口就停不下来。马利亚也会像大多数母亲一样,有时候希望孩子从来没学过说话!
In the Bible the human story begins with a man, and then a woman. The human story of Jesus begins with a woman, Mary. And then Jesus himself begins, as a baby.
It's wonderful to picture baby Jesus all wrapped up and in Mary's arms. But think about this. Jesus is the eternal Word, the Word through whom everything was made, the Word that said, "Let there be . . . " But now the Word is a human being, a newborn baby. Do we realize what this means? It means the Word can't speak anymore.
Like any newborn, baby Jesus doesn't know language yet. He will need to listen first—especially to his mother, and also to his father. Slowly he will discover that words have meaning. Eventually he'll start to speak for himself. He'll know only a few words at first: "Immah" (mother) and "Abba" (father). And then a flood of words will come, and it won't stop. Like most mothers, Mary will sometimes wish Jesus had never started talking!
Imagine. The Word that spoke in the beginning loses its voice. It has to go back to the beginning that we experience as humans. And it has to learn the same way we did, one word at a time.
Language is a wonderful gift. And Jesus shares it with us.
祷告 · Prayer
耶稣,除了祢,我们还归从谁呢?“在祢有永生之道”。(参约 6:68)祢是道,是生命。阿们。