每日灵修 | 10.31 宽容
罗马书 2:1-4
Romans 2:1-4
— 罗 2:4
Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you toward repentance?
— Romans 2:4
但是,真正通往悔改的道路与此截然不同。正正相反,神对我们是仁慈的。祂耐心地等待着我们认识到祂的仁慈。神不但没有向我们展示我们犯罪的后果,反而阻止了我们犯罪的后果——至少是许多最糟糕的后果。阻止最坏的后果就是宽容。 神宽容我们,直到我们看见祂的恩慈的心。
Romans 2:4 reveals the path by which we and others come to repentance. It’s all because of God’s kindness.
But too often we assume that the threat of judgment is what leads to repentance. “If only we can show people how bad they are, then they will be sorry,” we think. Or perhaps if we can show them the consequences of their actions—like some negative life outcomes, or the ultimate punishment of going to hell—then they will repent, right?
But the path to repentance is quite different. Instead, God is kind with us. And God waits patiently for us to notice his kindness. And rather than showing us our consequences, God actually holds back our consequences—at least many of the worst ones. Holding back consequences is called forbearance. God forbears with us until we see his kindness.
It is God’s kindness that leads to our repentance. God’s example challenges us to somehow forbear with other people’s unrepentant attitudes. It’s not our place to judge them or bring about their consequences. In fact, perhaps, like Christ, we ought to help bear others’ consequences. We should show the kindness, patience, and forbearance that God has shown us.
祷告 · Prayer