每日灵修 | 9.11 从天降下的粮食
Bread From Heaven
出埃及记 16:1-35
Exodus 16:1-35

— 出 16:4
The LORD said to Moses, "I will rain down bread from heaven for you…"
— Exodus 16:4
我们的儿子有时会唱“天降玉米卷”(It's raining tacos)这首有趣的歌。这首歌建议,你只要张开口,闭上眼睛,不用问为什么,便可以享用到从天而降的玉米卷,吃到饱为止。想到这个不可能发生的情景,我们也会笑起来。然而,神也曾对摩西说过类似的话——祂“要将粮食从天降给”祂的子民。
神显然在他们中间作了新事,他们的责任就是去接受,好叫他们不仅能存活,而且更清楚地知道,他们所得到的饱足有余的粮食是从主而来的。(参出 16:8)后来,在耶稣的事工中,神也照样赐下粮食,好叫人们也认识主并信靠祂赐与我们生活上一切的需要。

Our boys sometimes sing a funny song called "It's raining tacos." It suggests that you should just open your mouth, close your eyes—no need to ask why—and enjoy "all you can eat" tacos from out of the sky. It makes us laugh to think about such an impossible situation, and yet God said something similar to Moses—that he would "rain down bread from heaven" for his people.
Imagine the confusion, joy, and relief when people saw that there was food—and yet how disorienting it must have been to receive food in a way that was completely different from anything they had experienced before.
Think about why God made manna appear in such an unfamiliar way to the Israelites. Could it be that God was inviting the people to accept something from him in a way that required them to trust and to look at reality in a whole new way?
God was clearly doing something new among them, and it was their task to receive it—so that they would not only survive but also know that it was from the Lord when they had all the bread they wanted (Exodus 16:8). Later on in the ministry of Jesus, God also provides bread so that people will know the Lord and trust that he provides everything we need for life.
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