每日灵修 | 9.8 给他们一些饼吧
Give Them Some Bread
马可福音 6:7-13, 30-37
Mark 6:7-13, 30-37
— 可 6:37
He answered, "You give them something to eat. " They said to him, "That would take more than half a year's wages! Are we to go and spend that much on bread and give it to them to eat?"
— Mark 6:37
在这章圣经的开始,耶稣描述了跟随祂的门徒将会过怎样的生活。祂说:“行路的时候不要带食物和口袋,腰袋里也不要带钱,除了拐杖以外,什么都不要带”。(参可 6:8)跟随祂的人需要依赖其他人的款待,为他们提供食物、衣服和栖身之所。
Near the beginning of this chapter, Jesus describes what life will be like for his disciples if they follow him. He says, "Take nothing for the journey except a staff—no bread, no bag, no money in your belts" (Mark 6:8). His followers were to be dependent on the hospitality of others to feed, clothe, and shelter them.
Then, sometime later, they are surprised when Jesus asks them to provide a huge, hungry crowd with food. They wonder, "How on earth can we do that?" Even if they work to provide the money for all the food for these people, they will have to work for a whole year!
Perhaps Jesus instructed them to take no bread or money on their journey so that they could experience not only hospitality from others but also the extraordinary hospitality of God. Maybe he instructed them not to bring anything so that they could acutely experience their own need and realize that they couldn't rely on themselves for a solution.
Do you ever feel like you are being brought to the end of your ability to do what God is asking of you? Could God be inviting you to see what he can do for you that you simply cannot do by yourself?
祷告 · Prayer