每日灵修 | 8.17 认罪后的平安
The Peace That Follows Confession
诗篇 32篇
Psalm 32

— 诗 32:5
I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the LORD."And you forgave the guilt of my sin.
— Psalm 32:5

It has been said that "confession is good for the soul." This statement is not in the Bible, but God's Word indicates that when we confess our sins in true repentance, God forgives us in his mercy, and we find peace with God. We are released from the guilt of our sin, and we find comfort in the Lord's unfailing love.
Psalm 32 describes this process beautifully. It opens with these words: "Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered." And near the end it says that "the LORD's unfailing love surrounds the one who trusts in him."
The psalmist admits that trying to keep his sin hidden, or secret, weighed heavily on him. The guilt of sin became such a great burden that it sapped his strength. Deep down, he knew he could not hide his sin from God, so he gave up trying. He confessed his sin, and he received forgiveness. What a relief! The weight of all that guilt was lifted.
Confession requires that we allow the light of the Spirit of God to penetrate our heart; identify ungodly thoughts, words, and actions; and turn them over to God. God is the one able to forgive, for Jesus' sake—and he does.
祷告 · Prayer
慈爱的父,感谢祢差祢的儿子为我们的罪付上代价。祂不仅为我们完成了这一使命,而且还复活了,将永生赐给凡相信祂的人。愿所有的荣耀都归于神,我们的救主! 阿们。