每日灵修 | 8.9 读懂受造界的语言
You Can Be A Translator
诗篇 19:1-6
Psalm 19:1-6

— 诗 19:3-4
They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world…
— Psalm 19:3-4
在我高中的第一堂德语课上,我学习问路:“请问邮局在哪里?”如果我在德国,需要邮寄一封信回家,我需要询问:"Wo ist das Post, bitte?" 如果你到语言不熟悉的国家旅行,你就知道学会当地的一些基本用语是多么重要。

In my first German-language lesson in high school, I was taught to ask, "Where is the post office, please?" If I were in Germany and needed to mail a letter home, I would need to ask, "Wo ist das Post, bitte?" If you travel to countries where the language is unfamiliar, you know how important it is to learn some basics in the local language.
But how do we learn a language that has no words and no sounds? Psalm 19 teaches us that the language of the heavens and the skies has no words, yet their voice goes out to the ends of the earth, revealing knowledge.
Some never notice it, but others learn and understand. God has gifted them to observe that creation has an amazing Creator. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the Spirit of God helps us understand. A discerning mind sees and hears God's hand in all he has created. And we can praise God for all these things.
Look up at the heavens. Look down at the flowers. See the stars and smell the roses. They all proclaim that the mighty God has graced us with breathtaking displays of his creative hand.
To God be the glory!
祷告 · Prayer