每日灵修 | 8.4 “你们说我是谁?”
"What About You?"
Matthew 16:13-20

— 太 16:15-16
"What about you? " [Jesus] asked. "Who do you say I am? "Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God."
— Matthew 16:15-16
因此,当耶稣和祂的门徒抵达那个地区时,祂问了他们一个关键性的问题,这并不令人惊讶。“你们说我是谁?”(参太 16:15)换句话说就是,“你们是否认识到我的真实身份,还是像你们在这里看到的景象,我只是另一个被崇拜的对象?你们如何分辨出我这个人、我的教导和我所行的神迹?
彼得受到神的启示,回答说:“祢是弥赛亚”,也就是基督(“受膏者”)。(参太 16:16)彼得宣称,耶稣是神的受膏者,祂来是为了带来神的国度。耶稣来将要修复所有被罪破坏的事物。
耶稣明显不同于希腊的假神以及他们所崇拜的偶像,耶稣是真正的“永生神的儿子”。(参太 16:16)耶稣是真神。

A trip to Israel, to visit places where Jesus walked, may include a stop at Banias in the northern part of the country. Banias was a settlement at the foot of Mount Hermon, and a spring from there makes a river that flows into the Jordan River. At the time of Jesus' ministry, Banias was called Panias and was dedicated to the worship of the Greek god Pan.
So it is not surprising that as Jesus and his disciples went into that area, he asked them a defining question: "Who do you say I am?" In other words, "Do you recognize me for who I really am, or am I just another object of worship like you see here? How do you discern my person, my teaching, and my miracles?"
Peter, inspired by God, responded by saying, "You are the Messiah"—that is, the Christ ("Anointed One"). Peter declared that Jesus was the anointed Son of God who came to bring the kingdom of God. Jesus came to restore all that is broken by sin.
Decidedly different from false Greek gods and the worship they were known for, Jesus is the true "Son of the living God." Jesus is the real thing.
Who do you say Jesus is?
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