2025年03月07日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 7.27 寻找一个家


Looking For A Home



诗篇 91

Psalm 91


我要论到耶和华说:“他是我的避难所 ……”

— 诗 91:2

I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge…"

— Psalm 91:2



作为婴孩的耶稣也曾经是一个难民,为了要逃避追杀,祂和家人逃难到了埃及。(参太 2)后来祂说祂连枕头之处也没有,祂懂得难民所面对的痛苦和忧伤。


It was a scene of great joy when three siblings and their family members were reunited after a long separation. Seeking safety, they had fled their homeland in the midst of a civil war, and for eight long years they had lived in different refugee camps, moving from one place to another and searching for each other. Now, in a crowded airport, they were finally reunited. Our church, responsible for their resettlement, had provided housing, but it would not be "home" until the arrival of their loved ones.

Home is supposed to mean safety, belonging, and welcome. But for millions of people their home region has become dangerous and unwelcoming. War, violence, discrimination, and even natural disasters have forced millions to leave their homes. Some get to start a new life. Others languish, homeless and growing hopeless.

Baby Jesus was a refugee when his family fled to Egypt to escape death (see Matthew 2). He later said that he had nowhere to rest his head. He understands the pain and sorrow of a refugee.

God has great concern for refugees. Psalm 68 says that God will give the desolate a home, and in Isaiah 65 we read of a "new" time when people can build houses and stay in them. More than that, God offers the deep shelter of belonging to him—under his wings we find refuge.

祷告 · Prayer


