2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 5.21 一首古旧、类似信经的圣诗


An Ancient, Creed-like Hymn



 腓立比书 2:5-11

Philippians 2:5-11



—腓 2:5

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.

—Philippians 2:5

在敬拜时,我们通常都会向我们的救主、神献唱赞美诗和圣诗。 就很多方面而言,使徒信经就如同一首圣诗,而有不少赞美诗歌也是根据这篇信经的内容谱写而成的。

圣经中也包括很多以诗歌体裁写成的经文,我们今天的经文腓立比书二章中,便包括这样一个例子。第六至十一节这段经文看来是一首圣诗(或诗歌的一部分),它是在第一世纪初期的基督徒歌咏颂唱的圣诗。使徒保罗劝勉读者“当以基督耶稣的心为心”时,(参腓 2:5)便用了这首圣诗来概括所要传达的重要教导。从某些意义来看,这首古老的圣诗就像使徒信经那样,告诉我们耶稣是谁,祂为我们成就了什么作为,以及祂再来时会有什么事情发生。



In worship services it is common to sing songs of praise and hymns to God our Savior.

In many ways, the Apostles’ Creed is like a hymn, and many songs have been composed from the words of this creed.

The Bible includes many song texts as well, and our reading from Philippians 2 includes one of them. This text in verses 6-11 appears to be a hymn (or part of one) that was recited and sung by early Christians in the first century. And the apostle Paul uses it to summarize a number of important teachings as he urges readers to "have the same mindset as Christ Jesus. " In some ways like the Apostles’ Creed, this ancient hymn tells us who Jesus is, what he did for us, and what will happen when he comes again.

Imagine yourself in a worship service 2,000 years ago, surrounded by sisters and brothers in the Lord and singing these words together. Then reread (or sing) this ancient hymn that has echoed down through the centuries. Reflect and meditate on the deep, life-changing truths we can celebrate because of “Jesus, Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord.”

This hymn in Scripture, like the Apostle’s Creed, allows God’s Word to settle into our hearts. And it calls us to humble ourselves like Jesus in all our relationships as we seek to live for God by loving and serving each other.

祷告 · Prayer


