2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 5.18 升天


Ascended To Heaven



 路加福音 24:50-53

Luke 24:50-53



—路 24:51

While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven. 

—Luke 24:51


我们在使徒信经中说耶稣“升天”。这件事是在祂复活之后40天发生的。(参徒 1:1-11)然而这并不表示耶稣撇下了祂的门徒或我们这些跟随者。刚刚相反,祂升天乃是为了我们的缘故。

尽管圣经没有清楚说明天堂在哪里或是什么样式,然而圣经却明确地教导我们,在天堂的意思就是在神面前。耶稣在神面前做我们的辩护人,祂不断替我们祈求,求父神赐我们所需的一切。(参罗 8:34;约壹 2:1-2)耶稣升天在神面前这个事实,亦保证我们会有一天也同样会和祂一起在神面前。(参约 14:1-3)耶稣又求父从天上差遣圣灵到来,作为祂必然时常与我们同在的保证和提醒。(参太 28:20)


Saying goodbye can be hard. In fact, grieving loss is one of the hardest things we must do in life. Jesus’ disciples surely felt grief and sorrow as they watched him being taken up to heaven.

With the Apostles’ Creed we say that Jesus "ascended to heaven. " This happened forty days after his resurrection .(see Acts 1:1-11) But this does not mean Jesus abandoned his disciples or us. No, Jesus went to heaven for us.

While the Bible isn’t very clear about where heaven is or what it looks like, it plainly teaches that heaven means being in the presence of God. In God’s presence, Jesus serves as our advocate, continuously interceding with God the Father for our every need . (see Romans 8:34; 1 John 2:1-2)Jesus’ presence with God also assures us that one day we will be with him in God’s presence as well .(see John 14:1-3) And from heaven Jesus sends his Holy Spirit as a guarantee and a reminder that he is always with us. (see Matthew 28:20)

Knowing that Jesus is in heaven for us now gives us tremendous comfort and strength as we wait for his promised return. In the meantime, as he lives in our hearts through his Spirit, Jesus calls us to share his love with a world full of sorrow and grief.

祷告 · Prayer


