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哥林多后书 11:23-33
2 Corinthians 11:23-33

—林后 11:25-26
…Three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, I have been constantly on the move …
—2 Corinthians 11:25-26
在2015年9月2日,全世界的新闻网络都报导了一宗惊人的悲剧:三岁的Alan Kurdi的身体,被海浪冲到土耳其博德鲁姆镇附近的海滩上。Alan一家是叙利亚难民,当他们尝试渡过地中海前往希腊一个岛屿时,他们的充气艇翻了。这一惨剧证明难民拼死一博的心态:他们选择在恶劣海浪中冒险乘座充气艇,是为了要逃避自己家乡恐怖分子的威吓。这场悲剧也提醒我们,在那个地区发生的海难,已经有很长的历史了。

On September 2, 2015, news outlets around the world reported a horrible tragedy: the body of three-year-old Alan Kurdi had washed up on a beach near Bodrum, Turkey. Alan’s family of Syrian refugees were trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to a Greek island when their inflatable boat capsized. This tragedy testified to the refugees’ desperation: they chose to risk the harsh sea in a raft to escape the threats of terrorists in their homeland. The accident also reminds us of the long history of shipwrecks in that area.
The Mediterranean Sea was a key part of the apostle Paul’s missionary travels. He tells of being shipwrecked three times and being stranded on the open sea. In Paul’s work of spreading the good news of Jesus, he was also sometimes beaten, pelted with stones, and thrown into prison. That happened because people in some places were hostile to the message of Christ. In addition, there were false teachers who twisted the message of Jesus for their own profit, fame, and power. Sadly, false and corrupt leaders are still doing similar things today.
As Paul (and Jesus) explained, challenges and dangers often go with sharing the good news because the devil is opposed to it. Satan doesn’t want anyone to be saved. But in God’s strength, the good news of Jesus keeps spreading.
Will you help to share it too?
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