2024年12月22日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 3.7 在漫长的风暴中仍然有指望


Keeping Up Hope In The Long Storm



使徒行传 27:13-44

Acts 27:13-44



—徒 27:20

When neither sun nor stars appeared for many days and the storm continued raging, we finally gave up all hope of being saved.

—Acts 27:20



然而,神却差遣天使并藉着保罗带给众人一个信息:“……与你同船的人,神都赐给你了。”(徒 27:24)过了不久,船便搁了浅,但他们全员都平安上了岸,风暴也停止了。从人的角度来看,他们已完全绝望了,然而神却是全程都在掌管整个事件。

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were many questions about seafarers’ being able to get home. Long delays, extended contracts, and quarantine requirements weighed heavily, and the sheer uncertainty of when it all might be over caused mental anguish. Facing a storm can be hard enough, but when people face the possibility that the storm might not pass, they can run the risk of losing all hope.

The story in Acts 27 describes the apostle Paul traveling to Rome as a prisoner on a ship. Bad weather at sea could be expected for a few days at a time, but in this case the ship was caught in a storm that had been raging for a couple of weeks. Without seeing the sun or stars, the sailors could not even guess the position of their vessel. The crew and passengers must have felt battered and beaten. The text says they had stopped eating; many gave up hope and were ready to die.

But God sent an angel to give everyone a message through Paul: “…God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.” They were soon shipwrecked, but all were able to get to shore safely. The storm ended. God was directing the situation, even when they had lost human hope.

祷告 · Prayer


