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每日灵修 | 2.9 主是最好朋友


The Best Of Friends



罗马书 5:1-11

Romans 5:1-11



—约 15:12-14

"Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command."

—John 15:12-14



正如罗马书第五章所说,“为义人死,是少有的”,(参罗 5:7)更不用说为不义的人了。

然而,“唯有基督在我们还作罪人的时候为我们死”。而且“我们作仇敌的时候,且藉着神儿子的死,得与神和好”。(参罗 5:8、10)耶稣的舍己牺牲是对他人之爱的终极榜样。祂称祂的门徒为朋友,祂也向我们所有人显明,祂是一位最好的朋友。


I am a father and a grandfather. I like to think that I would readily lay down my life to save my child or grandchild if necessary. I’m sure other parents and grandparents would do the same. But am I willing to die for a friend?

I can think of some very good friends who are a treat to be with. But I can’t think of one that I would readily die for. That would take a level of love beyond what I have attained.

It would be rare, as Romans 5 says, for a person to give up their life for someone who is good—not to mention one who is not. And yet “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

And yet“while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son.” Jesus’ self-sacrifice was the ultimate demonstration of love for others. He called his disciples friends, and he has shown all of us that he is the best of friends.

Given the difficulty of Jesus’ sacrifice, I can understand why Reinhold Niebuhr called such love “the impossible possibility.” Only in Christ, the Son of God, who emptied himself to come and die in our place, is such love possible. And only through Christ can we even come close to living out the possibility of such love.

祷告 · Prayer


