2025年03月12日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 2.6 只要爱


Only Love Is Enough



罗马书 13:8-14

Romans 13:8-14



—罗 13:10

Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

—Romans 13:10



我们爱一个人时,就不需要被提醒不要偷他们的东西,或对他们撒谎,或欺骗他们。这样的提醒对爱别人的人来说几乎是无礼的。保罗说,“爱是不加害与人的”。(参罗 13:10)但不加害,或仅仅遵守律法,是不够的。只有基督为我们献上生命时所显明的完全的爱,才充份满足了律法的要求。基督除去了违犯律法的诅咒,赐给我们永生。



If we really loved one another, we could forget all the other commandments. For, indeed, love fulfills the law.

Love is a moral principle. A principle covers all the world’s moral activity. There are a few other moral principles, such as be holy, do justice, do no harm, and so on. These principles apply in all times and places. We can never say, “No, I don’t have to love here,” or “I don’t have to do justice there.” In all cases moral principles apply.

When we love someone, we should not need to be reminded not to steal from them, or lie about them, or cheat them. Such reminders are almost impertinent for someone who loves another. Paul says, “Love does no harm to a neighbor.” But doing no harm, or merely observing the law, is not enough. Only the perfect love that Christ showed when he gave his life for ours is sufficient to fulfill the law. Christ removed the curse of lawlessness and has given us everlasting life.

To love as Jesus did means that we incorporate God’s self-sacrificing love into our hearts. In Christ, God showed us not only perfect obedience to the law but perfect love.

And only Christ fully lives out that perfect love. We who live in this hostile world still struggle with desires to make gains for ourselves or to harm others. Since we still live with this tension, we still need the law.

祷告 · Prayer


