2025年03月11日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
  • 一个异象
  • 两个体系
  • 三个注重
  • 四个导向

每日灵修 | 2.3 我们的标准可能太多了


Our Laws Can Be Too Much



马太福音 23:1-15

Matthew 23:1-15



—太 23:3

 "So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach."

—Matthew 23:3


如果基督徒在神的律法上加上自己的社会标准,他们所行也会和法利赛人一样。“基督徒当然不会听那种音乐,或穿那种衣服,或者跳舞,或者……” 我们可能会认为,我们添加这样的限制是对神的律法特别热心。但神渴望的是爱,而不是对祂的律法添油加醋。



The teachers of the law and the Pharisees were the leading citizens among the Jews. They knew what God’s law said, and they could tell people how to apply it. But they were hypocrites. They added their own laws on top of God’s laws, thinking that would “protect” the law of God from being disobeyed. But in doing so, they violated the spirit of the law, which is love.

Christians can do the same as the Pharisees if they add their own social standards to God’s law. “Surely a Christian would never listen to that kind of music, or wear those clothes, or dance, or …” We might think we are being especially zealous for the law of God by adding such restrictions. But God desires love, not legalistic additions to his law.

Following human standards while ignoring God’s call to love can lead to terrible results. It has led to racism: “We just followed the rules of apartheid!” It has led to sexism: “She should have known better than to wear that.” It has lead to nationalism: “We were just following our leaders’ orders.”

Such hypocrisy will condemn us on the day of judgment. Laws that do not aim at love for all people are not God’s laws. The Ruler of heaven and earth is not fooled by distorted rule-following.

祷告 · Prayer


