2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 1.20 有感染力的赦免


Contagious Forgiveness



马太福音 18:21-35

Matthew 18:21-35



—太 18:32-33

...“... I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?”

—Matthew 18:32-33

被人冒犯受到深深的伤害,是要透过时间来医治,才能够放得下。 在耶稣的比喻中,不肯饶恕人的仆人欠了大笔的债,然而王怜悯他,免了他的债。这个人就是你和我的代表。在我们还作罪人的时候,基督为我们死,来偿还我们背叛神的罪债。(参罗 5:8-11)我们已被释放得自由了!




Some offenses are so deeply hurtful that it can take time and healing to be ready to let them go.

In Jesus’ parable, the debt that the unforgiving servant had built up was a huge one, yet the king had compassion and released him of all obligation. That guy represents you and me. While we were yet sinners, Jesus died for us, to pay the debt for all our sin against God (Romans 5:8-11). We have been set free!

As people who have been given a clean slate, can we, in turn, forgive others who have sinned against us? That’s much easier said than done, especially when the world tells us to stand up for our rights, get revenge, and cut ties with anyone who hurts us. In cases of abuse or danger, we do need to maintain safety, but to hold on to hatred makes us miserable.

There was a man who nearly destroyed my life. It took many years before I could tell him, in the presence of others, that God has helped me to forgive him. In response to God’s grace, how could I not do that?

Forgiveness means loving our enemies. Forgiveness means swallowing our pride. Forgiveness means trusting God with the outcome.

祷告 · Prayer


