2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 1.2 谁是我的邻舍呢?


Who Is My Neighbor?



路加福音 10:25-35

Luke 10:25-35




—路 10:29-30

… So [the expert in the law] asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor? ”n reply Jesus said: “A man … was attacked by robbers … ”

—Luke 10:29-30


然而,耶稣对邻舍的定义却广阔得多。被人抢劫的人也是我们的邻舍,圣经亦提到“在患难中的孤儿寡妇”,(参雅 1:27)我们也不可忘记“用爱心接待客旅”和“记念被捆绑的人”。(参来 13:2-3)在整本圣经中,我们经常都被提醒要去关爱和眷顾贫困的人。有需要的人就是我们的邻舍。



From the day I was born until the day I headed off to college, I lived on a family farm in Iowa. We knew who our neighbors were. They lived across the road and down the road from us. We kids attended a country school together. Fathers and sons joined in gathering the harvests, and mothers and daughters joined in feeding everyone. It was a community effort. We were neighbors.

Jesus’ definition is much broader, though. People who are robbed are our neighbors. The Bible also mentions “orphans and widows in their distress” (James 1:27). And we are not to forget “to show hospitality to strangers” and to “continue to remember those in prison” (Hebrews 13:2-3). Throughout Scripture, we are reminded often to love and care for people who are poor. People in need are our neighbors.

Like the priest and the Levite, our spiritual leaders are our neighbors too. So are our community members, friends, and family. Our own people are our neighbors.

Jesus pointed out especially that the Samaritan was a neighbor. To the Jews in that day, the Samaritans were despised like enemies. People may look different to us, and they may believe and act differently, but they are our neighbors too. Anyone who is other is my neighbor. All.

祷告 · Prayer


