2024年09月20日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 12.23 来自卑微马厩


From The Squalor Of A Borrowed Stable



诗篇 130篇

Psalm 130




— 诗 130:4

But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you.

— Psalm 130:4

诗篇第一百三十篇有力地提醒了我们自己的破碎。我们从深处呼喊:“主耶和华啊,你若究察罪孽,谁能站得住呢?”(诗 130:3)但这里还有一个更强有力的提醒,即在主那里有赦免之恩,要使人最终得以侍奉祂。

“来自卑微马厩”(“From the Squalor of a Borrowed Stable”)以一种感人的方式讲述了耶稣的生活和事工。从祂在马厩里的降卑出生,到祂被卖和死在十字架上,再到祂胜过死亡坟墓,以及祂升天和再来。


当我们怀着热切的期望等待基督的再来,正如诗人所说,我们“等候主,胜于守夜的等候天亮。”(参诗 130:6)在等待的时候,我们也被激励“当仰望耶和华,因祂有慈爱,有丰盛的救恩”。(参诗 130:7)



Psalm 130 is a powerful reminder of our brokenness. We cry out from the depths, "If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand?" But there is also the powerful reminder that with the Lord there is forgiveness so that we may serve him.

"From the Squalor of a Borrowed Stable" tells of the life and work of Jesus in a moving way. It ranges from his humble birth in a stable, to his betrayal and his death on a cross, to his victory over the grave, and to his ascension to heaven and his coming again.

As we celebrate Christ’s first coming, we are reminded that we are waiting for his second coming. We live in the "already but not yet" tension of God’s salvation—Christ has already fully paid for our sins, and we are given new life; but in this world we still face sin and suffering, and the kingdom of God is not yet fully realized. So we await Jesus’ coming again.

We wait with eager expectation for Christ’s return. As the psalmist puts it, we "wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning." And as we wait, we are also encouraged to "put [our] hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is unfailing love and with him is full redemption."

In Christ we see God’s unfailing love and full redemption.

God’s people, put your hope in the Lord!

祷告 · Prayer


