每日灵修 | 12.13 荣耀天军
Angels, From The Realms Of Glory
马太福音 2:1-12
Matthew 2:1-12

— 太 2:11
On coming to the house, they saw the child…and they bowed down and worshiped him…
— Matthew 2:11
我们已经听过天使向牧羊人显现的故事。(参路 2)我们也听到了牧羊人的回应。在“荣耀天军”这首歌中,这些细节再次得到传扬。在这首歌的第三节,我们还听到了关于“博士”,即来自东方的智者的故事,他们来敬拜耶稣这位新生王。

We have heard the story of the angels appearing to the shepherds (Luke 2). And we have heard the shepherds’ response. In the song "Angels, from the Realms of Glory" those details are celebrated again. And in stanza 3 of this song we also hear about "sages," wise men from the east, who come to worship Jesus, the newborn King.
In the church calendar the story of the wise men, or Magi, is associated with Epiphany (January 6), but it connects with the Christmas story as well.
The book of Matthew explains that "Magi from the east" came to Jerusalem to honor a new king. These wise men studied the stars, and they had seen a special star that signified the birth of a king.
The Magi referred to this newborn as the "king of the Jews." It is interesting to note that they knew this child was already a king. And once they found him, they bowed down and worshiped him.
As we see in the Christmas story, everyone responds in worship: the angels burst into song, glorifying God; the shepherds go to find the baby, and they praise God for all they have heard and seen; and the Magi find the child Jesus and worship him.
In "Angels, from the Realms of Glory," we are all encouraged to respond in the same way: "Come and worship, come and worship, worship Christ, the newborn King!"
祷告 · Prayer