2024年10月18日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 12.9 看,玫瑰花开茂盛


Lo, How A Rose E’er Blooming



以赛亚书 35章

Isaiah 35




—赛 35:1-2

…Like the crocus, [the desert] will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy…

—Isaiah 35:1-2



“看,玫瑰花开茂盛”描述的就是这幅画面,并联系到以赛亚的预言,有关从耶西的树干必生出一根嫩芽。(参赛 11:1)它将红花的绽放与从耶西的儿子大卫的家族中生发的“嫩枝”联系在一起。这一意象随后又与基督的诞生联系起来。“真神又是真人,祂来拯救祂子民,脱离罪恶黑夜。”


Growing up in the southwestern United States gave me a lot of opportunities to see the desert in bloom. A desert in full bloom is one of the most beautiful landscapes on earth. Part of the reason it can be so breathtaking is that for most of the year the desert looks like a wasteland. It looks the way Isaiah describes it—as a "parched land"—until the cactus blossoms and bright, radiant colors abound across the landscape. This can bring so much joy to the people who live there.

Isaiah describes the desert as responding with gladness and joy. The picture Isaiah paints is one of hope for the hopeless in a dry land.

"Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming" takes this picture and connects it to Isaiah’s prophecy of a shoot coming from the stump of Jesse (Isaiah 11:1). It ties the bloom of the crocus together with the "tender stem" that sprouted from the line of David, the son of Jesse. This imagery is then connected with the birth of Christ: "True God and yet true man, he came to save his people from earth’s dark night of sin."

At the birth of Christ we see hope, joy, and gladness. Jesus brings us the water of life, redeeming us from sin and death and replacing our sorrow and sighing with renewed strength and everlasting joy.

祷告 · Prayer


