2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 11.25 耶和华的应许


The Promise



撒母耳记下 7:1-17

2 Samuel 7:1-17




— 撒下 7:15

" '…My love will never be taken away from him… '"

— 2 Samuel 7:15

宫殿已经建造好,神又“使他安靖,不被四围的仇敌扰乱。”(参撒下 7:11)这时大卫便有时间反省一下现实了。神的约柜只不过被暂时安置在幔子里,大卫或许因此感到有点儿羞愧不安。




神应许祂的慈爱永远不离开大卫,而耶和华应许要作大卫后裔的父,这在继承大卫王位的耶稣基督身上得以应验了。“我要作祂的父,祂要作我的子”(参撒下 7:14)这句话,为神的儿子我们的救主耶稣降世作好准备。这便是真正永恒的慈爱。

King David had time to reflect on things after his palace was built and God had given him “rest from all his enemies around him.” Maybe he felt a tinge of shame that the home of God’s ark of the covenant was merely a tent.

Through the prophet Nathan, though, God revealed that he had bigger plans to share with his servant.

David’s (and our) plans are often much too small. God told Nathan that nothing in the heavens above or on the earth below could be big enough to house the Lord. He is the God who moves with his people wherever they might go, wherever they might be. Actually, he is the God who is everywhere at once. How could a mere building be the Lord’s residence?

In the book Leap Over the Wall, Eugene Peterson notes that God is the first-person subject of 23 verbs in the message that he gave Nathan to share with David. The Lord is the active, working, speaking, being, promising, establishing, eternal God who is faithful forever.

God promised that his love would never leave David. The Lord’s promise to be the father of his offspring would be fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ as the heir to David’s throne. The statement “I will be his father, and he will be my son” set the stage for the coming of Jesus as God’s Son, our Savior. That’s real love.

祷告 · Prayer


