每日灵修 | 11.18 寻求神的答覆
Seek The Lord’s Answer
撒母耳记上 30
1 Samuel 30

— 撒上 30:8
David inquired of the LORD, "Shall I pursue this raiding party? Will I overtake them?"…
— 1 Samuel 30:8
当大卫和跟随他的人不在洗革拉时,这个他藉以藏身的城遭到袭击和焚毁,他们的妻子儿女都被亚玛力人掳去,每一个人都因这城被毁而哭泣哀伤。大卫甚是焦急,跟随他的人似乎要向他动怒,因为他们失去了所有的至亲,然而,“大卫却倚靠耶和华他的神,心里坚固。”(参撒上 30:6)
大卫求问:“我追赶敌军,追得上追不上呢?”(参撒上 30:8)耶和华的答覆是肯定的。神告诉大卫,可以着手去拯救每一个人的家人和夺回亚玛力人掳去的财物。

David’s refuge at Ziklag was attacked and burned while he and his men were away. And all their wives and children were taken by the Amalekites. Everyone wept and lamented over this destruction, and David was in deep distress. It seemed his men were about to turn on him because they lost all their loved ones, but “David found strength in the LORD his God.”(see1 Samuel 30:6)
What should they do? David knew that the best way to seek guidance was from the Lord. So he went to Abiathar the priest in order to ask God what to do next. The Lord’s answer would be the only answer that mattered.
“Shall I pursue this raiding party? Will I overtake them?” David asked. (see1 Samuel 30:8)The Lord’s answer was positive. God gave David the go-ahead to rescue everyone’s families and all the plunder that the Amalekites had taken.
The Lord had provided victory over the Amalekites, and when some of the men wanted to keep the plunder for themselves, David declared, “All will share alike.” Everyone was entitled to a share, whether they had stayed back to guard the supplies or they had advanced to fight in the battle. After all, said David, all of this had been given by the Lord, who protected them and gave them victory. David also shared some of the plunder to people in the surrounding towns as well.
祷告 · Prayer