每日灵修 | 11.15 愚顽的人
撒母耳记上 25:1-34
1 Samuel 25:1-34

— 撒上 25:25
"Pay no attention, my lord, to that wicked man Nabal. He is just like his name – his name means Fool…"
— 1 Samuel 25:25
大卫和他的士兵住在旷野已有一段时间了,他们一直在看护这一带村庄旷野、保护农夫和牧羊人不被盗贼和劫掠的人袭击。其中一个仆人回想着:“那些人待我们甚好。我们在田野与他们来往的时候,没有受他们的欺负,也未曾失落什么。……他们昼夜作我们的保障。”(参撒上 25:15-16)

David and his fighting men had been living in the wilderness for a while. They had been watching over the countryside and protecting farmers and shepherds from thieves and raiders. A servant recalled, “These men were very good to us. They did not mistreat us, and the whole time we were out in the fields near them nothing was missing. Night and day they were a wall around us…”(see 1 Samuel 25:15-16)
But Nabal took no notice of David’s protection, and he had no interest in hospitality. He only wanted to go about business as usual: what was good for him alone. When David asked for some food and supplies, Nabal did not even offer a simple thank-you to David. In the culture of that day, this kind of response was an insult. It was unforgivable. Nabal had to be taught a lesson, and David was willing to teach it.
Nabal’s wife, Abigail, had more sense. She knew that Nabal’s foolish ways were about to cost him his life. So she worked quickly to go and bring gifts of food to David and his men on the road.
Abigail’s wise actions restored humanity to David. She reminded him of who he was and what the Lord had called him to be. There was no reason for him to be a fool like Nabal, and David thanked her for keeping him from taking vengeance into his own hands.
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