2025年03月18日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
  • 一个异象
  • 两个体系
  • 三个注重
  • 四个导向

每日灵修 | 11.13 剩余物资





撒母耳记上 21:1-9

1 Samuel 21:1-9




— 撒上 21:6

The priest gave him the consecrated bread…that had been removed from before the LORD…

— 1 Samuel 21:6




亚希米勒成为神殿里剩余物资的赐与者,大卫则成为受惠者。祭司又给大卫一把属于歌利亚的刀,这把刀就是大卫在以拉谷用来杀歌利亚的刀。(参撒上 17)


David was a fugitive. He was on the run from King Saul, who was jealous and felt threatened by David’s great success as a warrior.

David fled to Nob, where he found Ahimelek the priest. The old priest was shocked to see David alone, without any troops around him. David did not know whom to trust because anyone could become a spy for Saul. So he lied to the priest, saying he was on a secret mission. David also asked for bread, or whatever food the priest might have on hand.

Ahimelek had holy bread that was offered to the Lord in worship. The bread had been replaced by fresh loaves, so it was available for the priests to eat. It was not supposed to be eaten by anyone else, but Ahimelek had nothing else, so he gave that to David.

Ahimelek became the giver, and David the receiver, of leftovers in the house of God. The priest also gave David the sword of Goliath, whom David had killed in the Valley of Elah (1 Samuel 17).

In the book Leap Over the Wall, Eugene Peterson wrote that David’s life wasn’t “an ideal life but an actual life. We imaginatively enter the [story] of David not to improve our morals but to deepen our own sense of human reality.” We all live at the crossroads of sin and grace.

祷告 · Prayer


