每日灵修 | 11.3 我的做法
My Way
撒母耳记上 13:1-15
1 Samuel 13:1-15

— 撒上 13:9
So he [Saul] said, "Bring me the burnt offering and the fellowship offerings."And Saul offered up the burnt offering.
— 1 Samuel 13:9
然而,非利士人也带着大量的兵马和战车前来,“百姓都战战兢兢地跟随扫罗。”扫罗于是便开始自作主张了。撒母耳曾说过,他会来献祭和求问神他们应该怎样做,但他看到士兵开始离开他而去,扫罗便不想再等了,他决定自己亲自献祭,他要自己来作主,不想要遵照神的规矩做事。可是,等撒母耳抵达时,他对扫罗说:“你做了糊涂事了!……现在你的王位必不长久。……因为你没有遵守耶和华所吩咐你的。”(参撒上 13:11-14)

“Saul was thirty years old when he became king,” and he was probably at the peak of his physical and mental abilities. Saul’s world was filled with possibilities and potential. The young, tall, handsome man was just what Israel wanted as their king—a model leader for their times.
Along with that, nothing promoted national unity like a good war. In the interests of security and possible kingdom expansion, the young king knew that victory could bring glory and fame. Besides, their old enemy, the Philistines, would serve as the perfect villain in the fight for good over evil. Patriotism grew, and the young men of Israel signed up for battle by the thousands.
But the Philistines came with a vast army and chariots, and “all the troops with Saul were quaking with fear.” So Saul took matters into his own hands. Samuel had said he would be there to make an offering and to ask God what they should do, but Saul did not want to wait any longer. His troops were beginning to run away. So Saul decided to make the offering himself. He decided that he was in charge and that they didn’t need to do things God’s way. But when Samuel arrived, he told Saul, “You have done a foolish thing…Now your kingdom will not endure…because you have not kept the LORD’s command.”
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