2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 9.26 值得去的地方


The Place To Be



诗篇 122

Psalm 122




—路 2:41

Every year Jesus' parents went to Jerusalem for the Festival of the Passover.

—Luke 2:41

朝圣者上耶路撒冷时总会颂唱诗篇一百二十二篇。在今天的时代,人们到纽约去找寻娱乐、到罗马去观赏美景、到法国去追求爱情。在旧约圣经的世界,耶路撒冷才是值得去的地方。这是“大君王的城”,(诗篇 48:2)是神在殿中作王的地方。在节期时,以色列每一个支派的百姓都会上耶路撒冷去敬拜神。




Pilgrims used to sing Psalm 122 on their way to Jerusalem. Nowadays people go to New York for entertainment, to Rome for beauty, and to Paris for romance. In the biblical world, Jerusalem was the place to be. It was "the city of the Great King" (Psalm 48:2), where God was enthroned in the temple. At festival time, all the tribes of Israel would go up to Jerusalem to glorify God.

Starting when he was just a boy, Jesus joined the annual Passover pilgrimage. Can you picture him in the crowd? A smile stretches across his face as he sings this psalm. He's anticipating the sights and sounds of the city. Jerusalem is the place to be.

As an adult, Jesus continued to visit Jerusalem regularly. Each of those visits seemed to stir up opposition. Eventually the city became a dangerous place for Jesus, a place to die. But that didn't stop him. He still went up to Jerusalem one last time to celebrate the Passover. But that wasn't the only reason.

Jesus also had several appointments to keep there: one with the ruling council, one with the Roman governor, and one with a cross. So, for Jesus, Jerusalem was the place to be. And that was for our benefit. So we can rejoice that he went up to Jerusalem.

祷告 · Prayer


