每日灵修 | 9.25 这个名字的意思
What's In The Name
诗篇 130
Psalm 130

—太 1:21
"…You are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."
—Matthew 1:21
诗篇一百三十篇更全面地反映出这幅图画。开始时可能是在个人层面犯的罪,但它会发展为污染整个以色列民族的罪。从他们在埃及为奴的时候,直到被掳到巴比伦,这罪性一直在困扰以色列民!以色列民需要从这些罪恶中被拯救出来,而他们只有一个希望。这篇诗篇就是存着这个希望结束的:“(耶和华)必救赎以色列脱离一切的罪孽”。(参诗 130:8)
当主的使者告诉马利亚要如何给婴孩起名字时,他就是在传达这个希望。“耶稣”的意思是“耶和华拯救”。然而,耶稣不是单单拯救以色列民,祂更要除去世人的罪孽,(参约 1:29)这包括我和你个人的罪。

We all have times when we choose our own way instead of God's way. That's when we need Psalm 130. This psalm is a prayer for personal forgiveness. "God, I really messed up this time! I can't sleep because of my sins. So I keep watching for some sign that you forgive me."
We all commit personal sins. But those sins don't stand alone. Every personal sin is embedded within a larger web of sinfulness. That sinfulness infects families, orchestras, and baseball teams. It infects prisons and police departments, courtrooms and classrooms. It infects zoning laws, constitutions, and gang culture.
Psalm 130 reflects this bigger picture. It may start with personal sins, but it moves on to the sinfulness that has infected Israel as a nation. That sinfulness troubles Israel from their time of slavery in Egypt all the way to their exile in Babylon! Israel needs to be saved from this sinfulness. And there is only one hope. The psalm ends on that note: "[The Lord] himself will redeem Israel from all their sins" (v. 8).
The angel of the Lord speaks of this hope when he tells Mary what to name her baby. "Jesus" means "the Lord saves." But not only will Jesus save Israel; he will also take away the sin of the world (John 1:29). And that includes me and you, personally.
祷告 · Prayer