2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 9.9 圣洁能改造人


Transforming Holiness



诗篇 26

Psalm 26




—诗 26:4-5

I do not … associate with hypocrites. I … refuse to sit with the wicked.

—Psalm 26:4-5


然而耶稣却真的是这样圣洁的,祂的一生都体现了诗篇第二十六篇所描述的圣洁。无论是在旷野、在海上、被捕时、在十字架上,祂都全然信靠祂的父。神的荣耀充满祂的思念、塑造祂的愿望、 决定祂如何行事。无论是生是死,耶稣都是圣洁完全的。

不过,耶稣却有一点违背了诗篇第二十六篇的标准,使人觉得有点不合理。祂的仇敌埋怨说:“这个人接待罪人,又同他们吃饭。”(参路 15:2)他们说得不错,耶稣确实花了珍贵的时光与根本不符合道德标准的人在一起。对祂的仇敌来说,这意味着耶稣自己也可能不符合道德标准。



Psalm 26 makes me uncomfortable. It's full of boasting and pride. The psalmist says things like "I trust in you, Lord. My thoughts are pure. My desires are proper. I don't associate with sinners. I lead a blameless life. And I always sing your praises." The psalmist has a pretty high opinion of himself. But I don't buy it. Nobody is that holy!

But there is Jesus. Throughout his life, he embodied the holiness described in Psalm 26. He trusted his Father completely: in the wilderness, at sea, under arrest, on the cross. The glory of God filled his thoughts, shaped his desires, and determined his actions. In life and in death, Jesus was blameless.

But Jesus did overturn one part of Psalm 26, and it was scandalous. His opponents complained, "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them" (Luke 15:2). And they were right. Jesus spent quality time with people who simply did not measure up. To his opponents, that could only mean that Jesus himself did not measure up.

But they were using the wrong measure. To their way of thinking, sin had the power to turn water into poison. But the holiness of Jesus had the power to turn water into wine.

So Jesus transformed sinners back then. And he still transforms sinners today, sinners like you and me.

祷告 · Prayer


