每日灵修 | 9.11 婚筵祝酒
A Wedding Toast
诗篇 45:1-9
Psalm 45:1-9

—启 19:9
…"…Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!"…
—Revelation 19:9
可是,这位司仪接着所说的话有些越份了。他继续称赞君王说:“神啊,祢的宝座是永永远远的”。(参诗 45:6)你听到没有?他称那君王为“神”!这真是有些不对劲了。他的话在表面上不论有什么意思,此处必定另有所指。这位君王没有可能是神本身啊!

Many biblical psalms are about the king of Israel. Take Psalm 45. It was written for a king's wedding, probably by the master of ceremonies. He invites everyone to raise a glass. Then he begins with compliments like these: "My king, you are the most excellent of men. You are mighty and victorious, a conqueror of nations. And your lips, even your lips—I hope the bride is listening—your lips have been anointed with grace."
Wow! The king is quite the catch!
But then the emcee goes too far. Still singing the king's praises, he says, "Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever" (v. 6). Do you hear that? He calls the king "God"! That can't be right. Whatever the literal words say, they have to mean something else, right? There is no way that the king is God!
Well, hold on. Suppose Psalm 45 is about Jesus. He is the king of Israel, after all. And suppose Jesus fills that psalm with new meaning. He is God, after all. And suppose Jesus has a wedding of his own. He is the Lamb of God, after all. And at his wedding supper, it will make perfect sense for the emcee to raise a glass and say to him, "Your throne, O God, will last forever and ever." After all, Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords!
祷告 · Prayer