2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 7.18 信心——使人和睦


Faith -Making Peace



马太福音 5:1-9

Matthew 5:1-9




—太 5:9

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God."

—Matthew 5:9

Julia Jackson的确配称为神的儿女。她的儿子 Jacob Blake,一位非裔美国青年,被警察开枪射击以致瘫痪,他正躺在威斯康辛州基诺沙市的医院里。我看到这位深受创伤的母亲,走到一大堆麦克风前面,停下来镇定一下思绪后,她便开始对一个爆发了严重暴乱和抢掠的城市和国家说话。她会说些什么呢?




Julia Jackson can rightly be called a child of God. Her son, a young African American, had been shot by police and lay paralyzed in a Kenosha, Wisconsin, hospital. I saw this deeply hurt mother approach a large bank of microphones, pause to collect herself, and then begin to address a city and nation that had exploded into destructive rioting and looting. What would she say?

She drew a deep breath and began to speak, "As I was riding through here, the city, I noticed a lot of damage. It doesn't reflect my son or my family. If Jacob knew what was going on as far as that goes—the violence and the destruction—he would be very unpleased. So I'm really asking and encouraging everyone in Wisconsin and abroad to take a moment and examine your heart."

I was stunned into silence. From the depths of her heart this hurting mother told us she was praying for the city. "We really just need prayers," she said. And then, with grace and dignity, she continued, "To you police officers and your families, I am praying for you. To you brown and black sisters and brothers, I am praying for you."

"We need healing," she said. Indeed we do. And God used her, this peacemaker, to move us toward healing. "Blessed are the peacemakers," Jesus said. They are children of God. Let us thank God for Julia Jackson, a faithful, peacemaking child of God. I want to be her ­brother—and a peacemaker too.

祷告 · Prayer


