2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
  • 一个异象
  • 两个体系
  • 三个注重
  • 四个导向

每日灵修 | 7.2 信心—— 做一个好邻舍


Faith—Being A Neighbor



路加福音 10:25-37

 Luke 10:25-37




—路 10:36

"Which of these . . . was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?"

—Luke 10:36







We stood on our back steps, huddled in fearful uncertainty. Our steward's wife, shaking with fright, had just reported to us: "Terrible things are happening in the city."

It was September 21, 1967, in Makurdi, Nigeria. The news was indeed terrible. During the night violence had ­erupted downtown. Shops were ­looted, homes were destroyed, and a hundred people of the Igbo tribe were slaughtered.

Included in the group on our steps was a young Igbo man who took care of our yard. I can still see his eyes, wide with fear. It was his tribe, his people, that were being killed. He was in danger. We needed to do something to protect him. But what?

Our young Tiv steward became the neighbor that Jesus calls us to be. Compassion and concern overruled his fear as he offered a suggestion: "I know a path through the field that leads to the rail station. I think I can get him there ­safely."

We could think of no better option. Our Igbo friend quickly gathered his goods and prepared himself to go. We gathered again on our steps for a prayerful goodbye. And then off they went—the two of them together.

We hurt deeply for our young Igbo friend. But our young steward showed us what it means to be a neighbor—crossing tribal lines and status boundaries. Jesus says, "Go and do likewise."

祷告 · Prayer


