2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 6.28 技巧、教导及其他恩赐


Gifts Of Skill, Teaching, And More


出埃及记 35:30-35; 哥林多前书 12:7-11

 Exodus 35:30-35;1 Corinthians 12:7-11




— 出 35:30-33

… " … The LORD … has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills … to engage in all kinds of artistic crafts."

— Exodus 35:30-33





此外,神还赐下鼓励和怜悯的恩赐,让我们在许多方面服务他人。(参罗 12:6-8)在教会和社会中,教师、咨询师和各行各业的服务人员以不可计数的方式提供大量帮助,满足他人的需要。荣耀归于神!

The Holy Spirit supplies natural talents, the learning of skills, and many kinds of spiritual gifts for the benefit of all.

At the time of Moses, the Lord filled Bezalel with the Spirit, wisdom, knowledge, and many skills to work with metal, stone, and wood in all kinds of artistic crafts. God also filled Bezalel and others with the ability to teach so that many more could become skilled workers and designers. All of these gifts can be used to give glory to God.

God also gifts some people to be administrators, in order to guide and lead others in the church and in the surrounding community, to build ministries and structures and systems that can benefit everyone. All of these things can be developed and used to bring glory to God.

To some people the Lord also gives gifts of healing and miracles. And more often he gives gifts of learning and discovery so that people can learn how to make medicine and discover cures for diseases. The benefits of medical science and technology have been able to help billions of people around the world, and for all of these good things we can give glory to God.

In addition, God gives gifts of encouragement and mercy for serving others in many ways (see Romans 12:6-8). In the church and in society, mentors, counselors, and service workers of all kinds provide help and meet the needs of other people in countless ways. To God be the glory!

祷告 · Prayer


