2024年10月18日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
  • 一个异象
  • 两个体系
  • 三个注重
  • 四个导向

每日灵修 | 6.6 圣灵不断充满


The Spirit Continuously Fills Us



使徒行传 2:38-39

 Acts 2:38-39




— 徒 2:38

 …"Repent and be baptized, every one of you… And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."

— Acts 2:38



这可能意味着神赐给我们能力,让我们向别人见证基督。也可能意味着有方言恩赐的超凡体验。这可能意味着罗马书第6章所说的,我们意识到自己旧有的生命已经与基督同钉在十字架上,我们在祂里面得着了新生命。例如,在与某项罪较力后,我看到一个棺材的异象,棺材盖打开时,我就躺在里面,死了。我需要记住,我那有罪的老我已经死了。现在,当我遇到试探时,我承认我已经与基督同钉十字架,祂正在我里面活着。(参加 2:20)



Some Christians teach that there is a second blessing of the Holy Spirit beyond the indwelling of the Spirit. Other Christians insist that there is a third blessing that instills holiness in the believer. Well, the blessings of the Spirit are actually so many that we can barely count or keep track of them.

The Bible teaches that all of us are baptized in the Spirit when we receive Christ into our lives. Then we spend all the rest of our lives appropriating the blessings of the Spirit.

This can mean a gift of power from God to witness to others about Christ. It can mean a charismatic experience with the gift of tongues. It can mean a Romans 6 experience where we realize that our old life has been crucified with Christ and we have been raised to new life in him. For example, after struggling with a particular sin, I had a vision of a coffin, and when the lid opened, I was inside, dead. I needed to remember that my old, sinful self is dead. Now, when I am tempted, I confess that I have been crucified with Christ, who now lives in me .(see Galatians 2:20)

There are many more blessings too. Someone receives discernment and begins to recognize the work of Satan in the world. Someone is taught by the Spirit and writes a book that stimulates thousands of people to spiritual growth.

We need to be careful, however, to avoid divisive and false ideas about different levels of spirituality. That is not from the Holy Spirit but only misleading human teaching.

祷告 · Prayer


