每日灵修 | 5.13 离开有益
Leaving For Good
约翰福音 16:5-11
John 16:5-11

—约 16:7

"...It is for your good that I am going away…"
—John 16:7
然后耶稣在升天十天后,祂便把所应许的圣灵浇灌在跟随祂的人身上;这件事发生在五旬节那天。当日,人们从天下各国来到耶路撒冷。(参徒 2)神今天藉着圣灵的同在——就是神亲自住在每一个信徒心里与他们同在——神的子民仍然有权领受神的恩赐,并把福音传遍各地。

Our Bible reading today takes us away from the Revelation story. The day was Ascension Day, 40 days after Easter, and on this day Jesus concluded his public ministry to return to his Father in heaven.
We might be tempted to read this moment in Jesus’ ministry as a big loss. We might wonder if the good news of Easter, when Christ rose in victory over death, might not have been better served if Jesus had stayed here on the earth.
We are not the first to be puzzled about this, or to question the wisdom of Jesus’ leaving. As Jesus himself remarked, his first disciples were "filled with grief" about the idea of his going away.
We can be thankful, though, that Jesus explained the reason for his leaving to go back to heaven. He said, "It is for your good that I am going away." And he went on to say, "Unless I go away, the Advocate [the Holy Spirit] will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you."
Then, ten days after his ascension into heaven, Jesus poured out the promised Holy Spirit on his followers. That took place during the festival of Pentecost, when people from many nations were gathered in Jerusalem (Acts 2). And still today, through the Spirit’s presence—that is, the presence of God living within each believer—the people of God are empowered to receive the gifts of God and to take the good news to every nation.
祷告 · Prayer