2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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  • 四个导向

每日灵修 | 5.11 仔细考虑神赐的恩典


Ponder God’s Gift



启示录 7:1-3

Revelation 7:1-3




—启 7:3

"Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God."

—Revelation 7:3



宇宙被撕裂时,一切都已成定局。当神的时刻来临,再没有可以躲藏的地方。在这个时刻,我们要默想神赐的恩典。因着耶稣,我们可以得到“永生神的印”,因为衪已经胜过死亡,衪说:“我又赐给他们永生,……谁也不能从我手里把他们夺去。”(约 10:28)

神印了我们,就如同衪在对我们说:“我是你们的神;你们是我的子民。我爱你们和看顾你们,远超过你们所能理解的。我在这里不是叫你们被毁灭,乃是要赐生命给凡信靠我的。”(参约 3:16)


In our reading today we see another scene unfolding from the opening of the sixth seal. In the previous scene we saw everyone reeling as the foundations of the earth tore apart and people had nowhere to hide. And now we see God’s mighty angels holding back the four winds so that God’s servants can receive his seal of protection. All who have faith in God and the saving power of the Lamb (Jesus) will be spared from the oncoming destruction.

Which group do you identify with? Are you in the company of God’s servants, people who live by faith? Or do you keep trying to run and hide away from God?

The tearing open of creation leaves no uncertainty. When God says the time has come, there will no longer be anywhere to hide. At this point we need to ponder God’s gift of grace. Because of Jesus, we can receive "the seal of the living God," for he has conquered death and says, "I give them eternal life…no one will snatch them out of my hand" (John 10:28).

God’s seal on us is God’s way of saying, "I am your God; you are my people. I love and care for you more than you will ever understand. I am not here to let destruction come upon you but to give life to all who put their trust in me." (See John 3:16).

The gift of God’s seal is yours to embrace—a call and commitment to stand with all who identify as servants of the living God.

祷告 · Prayer


