2025年02月07日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 5.5 日用的饮食


Daily Bread



启示录 6:5-6

Revelation 6:5-6




—启 6:5

When the Lamb opened the third seal…I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand.

—Revelation 6:5



耶稣知道,为每一个人提供日用的饮食,是一件重要的事。祂施行的神迹中最为人所知的一件,就是在一处旷野喂饱数千个疲倦饥饿的人;祂拒绝让这些饥饿的人空着肚子离开。(参太 14:16)当耶稣教导我们向天父祈求时说:“我们日用的饮食,”(参太 6:11)祂想到的是我们在饮食、衣着和居所方面的基本需要。

我们也可以效法耶稣的榜样,在我们的生活和工作上,使经济的天平向怜悯和慈爱一面倾斜。在黑马上的骑士不管贫穷人的死活,然而耶稣却关怀这些人!祂吩咐我们也要这样做。耶稣又对那些效法祂的人说:“(你们)可来承受……为你们所预备的国。因为我饿了,你们给我吃……”(参太 25:34-40)

The third horseman in this story rides a black horse. This rider holds a pair of scales, which were used for everyday buying and selling. These scales, however, were rigged to inflate the costs of grain. The third horseman represents economic injustice, robbing many people of their daily bread and other basic needs.

In this picture we sense the care and concern of God over unjust practices, because a day’s worth of wages for a small bag of grain or flour would have a big impact on most people for their survival.

Jesus knows the importance of having daily bread available for everyone. One of his most famous miracles was his feeding of many thousands of people when they were tired and hungry in a remote place. He refused to send the people away hungry.(Matthew 14:16) And when Jesus taught us to ask God our Father, "Give us today our daily bread",(Matthew 6:11) it was our basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter that he had in mind.

Following Jesus’ example, we can live and work so that the scales for economic justice tip on the side of mercy and love. The rider on the black horse shows no care for the poor. But Jesus does! And he commands us to do likewise. Jesus also says to those who follow his example: "Come…[into] the kingdom prepared for you…For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…" (Matthew 25:34-40)

祷告 · Prayer


