2025年02月07日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 5.3 以弓作为武器


Armed With A Bow



启示录 6:2

Revelation 6:2




—启 6:2

…There before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow…

—Revelation 6:2



在圣经第一卷书创世记中,洪水退去后,我们看到神赐给挪亚的应许。神说:“我把(bow弓)虹放在云彩中,这就可作我与地立约的记号了。”(创 9:13)我们通常认为创世记故事中的bow,仅仅是指“彩虹”。而启示录的故事中恰好也用了同一个字。


What does it mean that the rider on a white horse "held a bow"? Are we to imagine a soldier who has the training to kill with a bow and arrow? Or perhaps we picture a hunter, with bow in hand, standing over a downed deer.

It is tempting to read God’s story that way. But if we did, we would think the first rider is all about bringing death and destruction. To read the story that way would miss the surprising good news that the One who is skilled with a bow is God. He has worked with a bow for a long time.

In the first book of the Bible, Genesis, we find a promise that God gave to Noah after the great flood. "I have set my bow in the clouds" God said, "and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth" (Genesis 9:13, NRSV). We usually understand the bow in the Genesis story as being a "rainbow." But it is the same word that is used in this story in Revelation.

In other words, the first horseman, Jesus, is armed with God’s covenant promise. His goal is to bring God’s promises for the renewal of creation to every part of creation.

祷告 · Prayer


