2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 4.7 作何选择?


Possible Choices



创世记 3:1-20

Genesis 3:1-20




—创 3:3

"But God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden…'"

—Genesis 3:3

在伊甸园里,分别善恶树代表了人们在做错事时可能做出的选择——与任何良善、真实、可爱的事物相反。 看着亚当和夏娃选择吃那棵树上的果子,这种伏笔真让人揪心。这也指向了将来神的百姓做出罪恶决定的所有时刻。正如圣经中其他故事显明的,有些人为了满足自己的欲望和利益,做了他们自己认为对的事。而另一些人信靠和顺服神,做真正对的事情。



In the garden of Eden, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil represented the possible choices people could make to do the wrong thing—the opposite of whatever was good, true, and lovely. It's a gut-wrenching type of foreshadowing to see Adam and Eve make the choice to eat from that tree, and this points to all the times when God's people would make sinful decisions in the future. As other stories in the Bible show, some people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes, to satisfy their own appetites and interests, while others trusted in God and obeyed, doing what was right.

One of the challenges we face as we read the Bible is to realize that even though people were created good, they were able to do evil, and even though people can be bad, that doesn't mean they don't have any good in them. For we are all created in God's image, which is good, but every one of us can disobey and sin against God, breaking our relationship with him and with everything around us.

As we will see, sometimes situations are murky and have layers of meaning. However, all the nuances and complexities of sin are finally confronted in Jesus' death for our sake on the cross. Instead of continually experiencing the estrangement brought about by eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, we are reconciled with God by Jesus' gift of his own life on the tree of the cross. Through his death, Jesus brought us reconciliation, restoration, and renewal.

祷告 · Prayer


