每日灵修 | 4.4 完全而成熟
Accomplished And Mature
诗篇 1
Psalm 1

—诗 1:3

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season…
—Psalm 1:3
在不列颠哥伦比亚省,当学生从高中毕业时,他们会获得以该省官方花树命名的“茱萸”文凭。当地很多人也把毕业称作“拿到了茱萸”。刚搬到哥伦比亚时,我还在想,“学生毕业时真的能得到一棵树吗?” 原来,毕业证之所以被称为茱萸,是因为春天学生毕业时,那些树都会开满花。所以在这一带,茱萸树已经成为一种成就和成熟的隐喻。

When students graduate from high school in British Columbia, they receive a Dogwood Diploma, named after the province's official flowering tree. Many of the local people also refer to graduating as "getting your Dogwood." When I first moved to B.C., I wondered, "Are students really getting a tree when they graduate?" It turns out that the diploma is referred to as a dogwood because those trees are in full bloom in the springtime when students graduate. So in this area, the dogwood tree has become a type of metaphor for accomplishment and maturity.
The book of Psalms begins with a picture of accomplishment and maturity in the life of someone who seeks to live faithfully for God. And in this case, the person is compared to being a tree, not just receiving one!
The tree at the beginning of Psalms is an echo of the tree of life that we saw in the garden of Eden. Picture a strong tree with deep roots, well watered and full of healthy fruit and leaves that don't wither. This tree is pleasing to look at, and its fruit gives sustaining, delightful food. It provides shade and a home for birds and other creatures; it purifies the air and stabilizes the streambanks.
This image in Psalm 1 helps us to learn the way of wise living. If we walk in step with the Lord, we become the mature followers God created us all to be. When we voice our praises and sorrows, and when we draw attention to God's beautiful creation and his way to full life forever, we are like a tree planted by streams of water.
祷告 · Prayer