2024年10月18日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 4.14 耶稣被卖





马太福音 26:36-46

Matthew 26:36-46




—太 26:36

Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray."

—Matthew 26:36

在今天这个耶稣被卖的故事里,我们读到耶稣去到一个栽有橄榄树的园子,名叫客西马尼园。这个词字面意思是“榨油”。圣经提到耶稣经常去那里祷告或休息。(参路 21:37,22:39-40)耶稣在那里向神倾心吐意。而这次,在祂被钉十架的前夜,耶稣祷告得很痛苦:“汗珠如大血点,滴在地上”。(参路 22:44)

因此,客西马尼园里不仅仅是有橄榄树,而且当我们思想耶稣,我们称祂是复活的初熟的果子,(参林前 15:20、23)祂被卖和受死时被压榨、破碎,这个地方的名字也变得更具象征意义。就像橄榄被榨出橄榄油,有益健康,又有医治疗效,耶稣纯净的生命也为我们而被榨碎,带给我们医治、赦免和与神在一起的全新的、丰盛的生命。


In our story today about Jesus' betrayal, we read that Jesus went to a garden of olive trees, known as Gethsemane. This name literally means "oil press." The Bible mentions that Jesus went there often, for times of rest and prayer (see Luke 21:37; 22:39-40). There Jesus poured out his heart to God. And on this occasion, on the night before he would be crucified, Jesus prayed in anguish, "and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground" (Luke 22:44).

So in Gethsemane, not only were there olive trees, but the name of this place also becomes richly symbolic when we consider that Jesus, whom we also call the firstfruits of the resurrection (see 1 Corinthians 15:20, 23), was crushed and pressed as he suffered betrayal and death. Just as the pressing of olives produces valuable olive oil with healthful and medicinal properties, Jesus' pure life was pressed out for us and provides us healing, forgiveness, and new, full life with God.

Spend some time today, alone in God's presence, to pray, pouring out your heart before him and allowing yourself to express the things that weigh heavy on your heart.

祷告 · Prayer


