每日灵修 | 3.7 参孙的悲剧
Samson's Tragedy
士师记 16:21-30
Judges 16:21-30

—士 16:21

The Philistines seized him, gouged out his eyes and … Binding him with bronze shackles, they set him to grinding in the prison.
—Judges 16:21
因着神的恩典,参孙蒙召担任一个重要的角色,就是去领导神的子民得以被拯救脱离他们的敌人非利士人,为了执行这个任务,神特别赐他过人的伟力。参孙真是力大无敌——他徒手可以撕裂狮子,将整扇城门扛在肩上,又用一块驴腮骨击杀一千人。(参士 13-15)
可惜,参孙也行了愚昧的事,他在许多事情上背弃了神的呼召。他后来爱上一个暗地里为他的敌人效力的非利士妓女大利拉。神收去参孙的强大气力,大利拉等人便成功地擒拿了他。(参士 16:1-21)
参孙为他的过犯付上了惨重的代价。非利士人剜了他的眼睛,又逼使他像牛那样推磨。当他们在偶像的神庙里举行盛会时,参孙被带出来娱乐众人。参孙求告神说:“神啊,求祢赐我这一次的力量。”神便赐力量给他,他拉倒了神庙里的两根柱子,房子便倒塌,非利士人都被压死了。(参士 16:23-30)

By God's grace, Samson was called to an important role. He was to take the lead in delivering God's people from their enemies, the Philistines—and for this task he received a special blessing of strength. Samson was so strong that he tore a lion apart with his bare hands, carried a city gate on his shoulders, and killed a thousand men with the jawbone of a donkey (see Judges 13-15).
But Samson was also foolish in his actions. He disobeyed God's call in many ways. Eventually he fell in love with a Philistine prostitute, Delilah, who secretly worked for his enemies. God took Samson's strength away, and Delilah managed to get him captured (see Judges 16:1-21).
Samson paid a miserable price for his wrongdoings. The Philistines gouged out his eyes and made him grind grain like an ox. For a major assembly at their temple, they brought him out for entertainment. Then Samson prayed, "Please, God, strengthen me just once more." And God strengthened him to break the pillars of the temple and bring it crashing down on the Philistines (see Judges 16:23-30).
If any of us have turned away from God, there is still hope. We can ask for forgiveness through Jesus Christ, who died to pay for our sins, and God will deliver us from our miseries and lead us to live a new life.
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