每日灵修 | 3.1 你兄弟的血
Brother's Blood
创世记 4:1-12
Genesis 4:1-12

—创 4:10

…"…Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground."
—Genesis 4:10

Abel was the first person to be killed in human history, and his brother, Cain, was the first murderer.
How did Cain come to do such a terrible thing? Cain was jealous and angry because God did not look with favor on his offering. But Cain did not give God the best of his fruits of the soil. He simply gave some of them, and that dishonored God. God explained to Cain that he simply needed to do what was right, but Cain refused to listen. He did not control his anger or his jealousy, and he killed his brother.
Though anger can be one of our innate character traits, we must rule over it. We can be angry, but it is a sin not to manage our anger.
Abel was the victim of Cain's selfishness and wickedness. How undeserving was his death! How searing was the pain in his heart when his own brother killed him? If we experienced such hatred for serving God through faith, how painful would that be?
God understands our grief from injustice and pain. The Lord said, "What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground." God acknowledged Abel's grief and stood up for him.
We must walk the path of faith, as Abel did. God will guide our footsteps, acknowledge our pain, and follow up with justice.
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