每日灵修 | 2.13 愿祢的国度降临
Your Kingdom Come
马可福音 1:14-15
Mark 1:14-15


…"…The kingdom of God has come near…"
—Mark 1:15
当我们发出主祷文的第二个祈求:“愿祢的国降临”,(参太 6:10)我们渴望神的统治能在这个世界更充份地实现。我们祈求神藉着祂的话语和祂的圣灵向每个人显明祂自己。我们祈求教会,祂在世界各地的儿女,繁荣昌盛,不断增长。我们祈求神遏制一切违背祂良善的势力。
耶稣宣告神的国度已经来临,但我们仍在等候祂的国全然临到。我们如何知道这事会实现呢?因为我们知道耶稣已从死里复活了,祂已升天在上掌权,祂还会再来,使祂的国度完全降临在地上。(参启 21-22)

Jesus was the greatest preacher who ever lived. Do you know the main topic of his sermons? Jesus' most important theme was to announce the good news of the kingdom of God. This captured the core of his teaching. He boldly announced that God had broken into human history and that through Jesus himself God's rightful reign over creation, human history, and every human being had arrived. All of Jesus' sermons, talks, and healings revolved around this good news of God's kingdom coming.
When we pray the second petition of the Lord's Prayer, "Your kingdom come" (Matthew 6:10), we long for God's rule to be more fully realized in our world. We ask God to show everyone who he is through his Word and through his Holy Spirit. We ask that the church, his children throughout the world, may prosper and grow. We ask God to push away and protect against any power that works against his good will.
Jesus announced that the kingdom has come, but we're still waiting for the kingdom to come fully. How do we know that will happen? We know because Jesus has risen from the dead, has ascended to rule in heaven, and will come again to bring his kingdom fully on the earth (Revelation 21-22).
In all our work and prayer today, the longing for God's kingdom should be in our hearts and on our lips as we pray, "Your kingdom come."
祷告 · Prayer