每日灵修 | 2.12 愿祢的名为圣
Hallowed Be Your Name
诗篇 145:1-7, 17-21
Psalm 145:1-7, 17-21

—诗 145:21

My mouth will speak in praise of the LORD. Let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever.
—Psalm 145:21
耶稣以“愿祢的名为圣”作为主祷文的第一个祈求,或说请求。(参太 6:9)这个祷告的前半部分主要专注于祈求神的荣耀和尊荣,后半部分则主要为神百姓的需要祈求。在前半部分当中,“愿祢的名为圣”是所有祈求中最重要的。
在这个请求中,我们求神向世界显明祂是谁——显明祂的全能,智慧,良善,公义怜悯和真理。我们祈求神的名现在就被人认识并尊崇,尽管我们仍然在期待着“一切在天上的、地下的,和地底下的,因耶稣的名无不屈膝,无不口称‘耶稣基督为主’,使荣耀归于父神”的那一天到来。(参腓 2:10-11)

With the words "hallowed be your name," Jesus introduces the first petition, or request, of the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9). The first half of this prayer makes requests that focus on glory and honor to God, and the second half focuses on our needs as God's people. Being the first request, "hallowed be your name" is the most weighty of all the petitions in this prayer.
We don't use the word hallowed very often today. So what is this petition asking for? A more current wording could be "May your name be holy" or "May your name be honored and praised."
In this appeal, we ask God to show the world who he is—to reveal his almighty power, wisdom, kindness, justice, mercy, and truth. We pray that God's name may be recognized and honored now, even as we look forward to the day when "every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" (Philippians 2:10-11).
In other words, "hallowed be your name" provides the foundation for our prayers, for our individual lives, and for our lives together as the church, Christ's body on earth.
So when we pray these words, we are asking God to help us live today as his servants who reflect his glory and lordship everywhere, now and forever.
In what ways can you honor God's name today?
祷告 · Prayer